Why is it so important that people start taking art seriously? What does it mean to take art seriously?
In this episode,
joins us to talk about art and living in “The Ruins.” William’s Substack, Ruins, provides a lot of insight about the art all around us and how it shapes who we are and become.You can subscribe to UnTaking right here to be notified about future episodes and other happenings:
Listen to the interview above, on your favorite podcast app, or watch the video right here:
This interview project is a continuation of a concern I outline in my article “Being Bored Doesn’t Make You Interesting,” which you can read here. There you can read the 5 questions and my reasons for asking them.
Please let me know (just reply to this email) if you or someone you know would like to talk about the 5 questions.
5 Questions for Interesting People #3: William Collen