Interesting concepts and views on this movie. I'm familiar with all the Halloween movies, but didn't realize until now that John Carpenter had made others. I'm looking forward to checking this out soon!

Also, I just found your blog via your website, via a podcast interview you did on the Christian Nerds Unite podcast. I listened to Part I tonight and am looking forward to hearing more in Part II. Thanks for the great content here and for tackling a topic near and dear to my heart, Christianity and horror and how the two intersect.

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Ah thanks so much! I do appreciate the feedback! That interview was fun. It's not often I get to make a public case for the moral uprightness of my childish passions! And yea, John Carpenter has a load of great movies to catch up on. I do believe that Starman was just added to Netflix. A fun sci-fi romantic comedy/adventure, for those not into horror.

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Oh, Starman--my Dad loved that movie. :) Yes, it was a great episode and easy to see how fun it would be talking about something you're passionate about.

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